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Certificates of Deposit (CDs)

Do you have Certificate of Deposit (CD) accounts?

Yes; we offer personal jumbo CDs ranging from 6 months to 3 years durations with some of the best interest rates in the world. Learn more here. Business CDs will be added in Q3 of 2021.

What is the minimum deposit amount required to open a Certificate of Deposit ("CD")?

See current minimum deposits here

What are the rates you offer on CDs?

You can see current rates here

How do I open a CD?

Go to

How long does it take to apply for a CD?

The process to apply for a CD takes about 5 minutes

How long does it take to get approved?

CD approval timeframe is 1-2 business days.

When I open a CD, how much time do I have to fund it?

You will have up to 10 business days from your CD opening date to fund your CD to get the interest rate you applied for; after that the rate is subject to change. You start earning interest from the day your funds are received and are credited to the CD.

Can I add more funds to a CD after I have funded it?

No, you cannot add funds to your CD once it is already open and funded. If, at the end of the term, you elect to 'rollover' your CD, you may deposit additional funds at that time. You can always open a separate CD whenever you like. A good idea is to have multiple CDs that mature at different timings, for example, if you opened a 6-month, a 12-month, an 18-month, and a 24-month CD, you would have funds maturing every six months and could elect to take out your money if needed or rollover, knowing you'd have another CD maturing in just 6 months.

When will my CD start earning interests?

Your CD starts earning interests the date your funds are credited to the account, typically the day they are received at the bank.

Will you send me tax reports?

Tax Reports will be sent once per year to those customers that are required to receive it. Typically, this is just customers subject to IRS tax of the United States.

What are my options at the end of the CD term?

We will notify you 30 days before your CD's maturity date. You will have two options:

What happens if I don't tell you my decision at end of term?

If you fail to advise us what to do with your CD within five (5) business days after its initial termination, we will automatically rollover the funds into a new CD of the same duration at the then-current interest rates.

Are there any fees or penalties associated with my CD?

If you withdraw the balance from your CD prior to maturity, you will be charged an early withdrawal penalty. Penalty rates vary by term of CD.